Turn Tables - Written By Wanja Kimani, #VOOACADEMY Content Editor
Today I’m just playing songs of praise and thanksgiving back to back. You see last night, I couldn't write because sleep overpowered me! It's the first night I fell asleep before midnight since several months ago. Seeing my family again has been the biggest blessing so far!

Roughly an hour after the plane took off from Riyadh, I looked down and saw the Red Sea. I remembered the Israelites crossing the Red Sea towards the Promised Land. I crossed the Red Sea, too, three and a half months ago. That time, I crossed for the hope of a better life abroad. I was optimistic, as always.
Yesterday, though, it was different. Crossing the Red Sea was a big relief this time, knowing that I was officially outside the borders of Saudi. Homebound! I saw HOME in a new light. This time, Kenya was my Promised Land. Never before have I ever appreciated Kenya this much.
On landing, it was a cold afternoon. No, it wasn't cold- it was serene! 20°C as compared to the temperature in Riyadh that goes as high as 44°C every single day! Seeing all the billboards, tall buildings, red soil, lots of trees... Kenya looks “more abroad" than Saudi does.
I may have come home empty-handed, but the lessons I acquired in Saudi Arabia can sustain me for generations! It shouldn't always be about savings, but safety. Tables turn, and they should. I can't wait to share my perspective, because what we seek outside we can actually create here at home. I came back to turntables, like your favorite DJ!