I've consistently said, nothing beats the POWER of UNIFIED VOICES! This past few months our call for CHANGE of working conditions for KADAMAS working in the Middle East has been partially successful. Kenyan MPs have gone to Saudi Arabia (unluckily Sankok made harmful statements), frequent Kenyan Media reports and appearances by both Agents and Ex-Gulf workers on the same platform, the recent passing of the "Labour Migration Bill 2021" in the parliament led by Senator Sakanja to mention but a few. Fact is, something is shifting. Just this past week, Qatar announced AMNESTY and UAE declared new labour laws effective February 21st 2022 which includes the right for workers (including Kadamas) to keep their passports.
Faith Shimilu & Sophie During Their Parliament Session On November 11th

On November 11th, my daughter Faith Shimilu and Sophie, both Ex-Gulf workers, were invited to the parliament to discuss the plight facing Kenyan Kadamas in Gulf and propose solutions. I am extremely proud of what these 2 brave warriors delivered, representing #VOO in the parliament and advocating the vision for this movement. Please be on the lookout for a #VOO TV feature of both Faith & Sophie next week which will be uploaded on our Youtube channel. To subscribe to #VOO TV, click on this link: https://bit.ly/voo-youtube
Sophie........."Kadamas deserve better!"

Pictures Courtesy Of The Kenyan Standard Newspaper
